Sunday, February 17, 2008

Portrait of a hero

February 17, in the year 1872, Fr. Jose A. Burgos was executed at Bagumbayan, Manila. He was among those who courageously stood for the rights of the Filipinos. This cost him his life. In a way, Fr. Burgos was a martyr for freedom, for justice, for righteousness.

In 1910, a monument was erected in Vigan - Plaza Burgos, featuring among others, a tall marker and a statue - in his honor.

Here are some pictures of the monument, 98 years after:

Rather surprisingly, no one seem to have remembered at least the day and the event, much less the significance. The statue is visibly chipped. The colors have faded.

A couple of modest bouquets however show that there were some who remembered.

Today more than ever, we are in need of Fr. Burgoses - both from the masses, and from the ranks, both of the Church and the State.

The forgetfulness however is not a good sign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, apo. I am guilty of forgetting . I wrote about your post, Father on my site.

Thank you for that post. It was my wake-up call. Got so engrossed with so many things that I failed to pause and remember the life that Fr. Burgos so bravely led.