Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Friday

Christ once and for all died for all of us. By his death we have life. We are no longer slaves of sin and death. We are no longer subject to the evil one. The wages of sin no longer have a hold over us. We are redeemed – in fact, paid in full.

But the world and humanity saved by Christ still lives in sin, in poverty, in corruption, in manipulation, in exploitation of people, in war, in discrimination, in a state apparently anything by saved.

Why do these happen? Because we have never really taken to heart the message of the Cross. The Cross is God’s offer of love – by it he showed us his great love. The challenge for us is to allow this love to change us – to make us lovers like Christ – selfless, sacrificing. The challenge for us is not to allow selfishness to take hold of us, not to allow greed to conquer us, not to allow self-centeredness to rule us.

Our remembrance, celebration and reflection of the Paschal Mystery continues. We shall see tomorrow that for Christ, it does not end with the Cross. The Cross is the way to salvation, to glory. The sure way. The only way.

Unless we love like the man on the Cross, we may have everything of this world, but we will never be truly glorious and victorious.

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