Friday, February 24, 2012

Ash Wednesday

The ashes remind us that we are dust, and unto dust we shall return. It reminds us that we are all mortals, that we will not live forever in this world, that we will all one day, die, that we will all return to the ground, or some even, literally into ashes (when cremated). The ashes also remind us that we are sinners, and we are called to be sorry for our sins and to become better.

It is interesting to note that the ashes marked on us would be in the form of a cross, not an “x”. When Jesus accepted the Cross, and was nailed to it and died on it, he showed us how much God loves us. By the love of God shown in the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus, we are saved from sin and death and the possibility of eternal life and happiness is given to us. When we are marked with the Cross, we are reminded also of the love of God, and his desire that we have eternal life and happiness.

Have a holy Lent.

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